Its true that a victim is not to blame for their abuse from another person but they also need to take some responsibility for what they are attracting into their…
Why Being Grateful Is So Important In Your life
We have all heard about people talking about being grateful but what does this really mean and why is it so important in your life. When you are grateful you…
Positive Affirmations And Abuse
How do affirmations help abuse victims? They help by creating a different way of thinking and creating your life. Using positive affirmations creates a foundation of positive ways of thinking…
Why Kindness Works
Kindness works because it is the right thing and the best result to happen for everyone concerned everybody wins its a win win situation. So when you have a choice…
Anger and Domestic Violence
What is it about Anger and domestic violence? Why is it ok for you to physically hurt or to yell at your partner. In today’s society it seems that everyone is…
Violence At Work
So what do you do when violence happens at work this can be a very difficult situation for you to get out of as you may need financially to keep…
How Domestic Violence Affects Children And Babies
So how does Domestic violence affect children and babies? They pick up every sound and emotion of those around them even when they are in the womb. Studies have found…
Mental and Psychological Abuse
Living with an abuser is very hard but when the abuse is mental and psychological and not physical it is even harder. This kind of abuse is called Gaslighting. Others…
How Is Stalking Abusive
Stalking is abusive because it is a form of control and manipulation of another person. A person who is stalked will feel frightened they will feel watched and unsafe. They…
Bullying The Effects On A Victim
Bullying it seems is happening everywhere in workplaces, in schools, in families. It needs to be stopped because bullying has such a terrible effect on a victim. Because the victim…