
Third Eye Chakra and Domestic Violence

I have done the following courses light worker and Reiki Master, Genome healer, Life coaching, Neuro Linguistic programming, Matrix Therapies and Face reading, Domestic violence, Anger management and child care training at university and in working in a child care setting. I am using the information that i have found helpful to me to put into my blogs to help others in need who have experienced domestic violence. If you don’t love yourself and connect with your inner knowledge for truth then you will be unable to love anyone else so having a good understanding of what our third eye chakra is and why it needs to be open and clear will help you to have a healthy, happy relationship and to see what way you need to go so that you will not be in domestic violence. Knowledge is key so the more you understand and see how it all relates to having a great happy life the better you will do. Those in domestic violence will have their heart blocked and may need to re- open their throat chakra from the abuse they have gone through or are going through. It is a good idea for you to work on all your chakras so they are all open and you have a healthier life and know what to do. So i hope this information is helpful to you and allows you to have a better life without violence.

Third Eye Chakra

This information is from my Reiki Light workers course. Divine masters ancient wisdom book, chakra and aura book, colour healing book, Ultimate energy book.

The colour of the third eye chakra is indigo. This chakra is in the middle of our forehead and is associated with clairvoyance, telepathy, intuition, imagination. It is connected to the pituitary gland, spine, lower brain, nose, ears, left eye and our nervous system. This pituitary gland controls the body’s hormone production in our body. The pineal gland in our body is the size of a pea and is behind and directly in the middle of the brain and is level with our eyes. This organ produces melatonin which regulates our Arcadia rhythms and our cir-annual rhythms of sleeping and walking. This pineal gland has tissue and rods just like our eyes and is wired to our visual cortex in our brains. This gland is seen as another eye in many nationalities around the world holding extrasensory perceptions and psychic abilities. With this chakra we hold the seat of our will, spirit and our intellect. It is the centre of wisdom, and self awareness. This chakra is connected to the musical note A. This chakra also relates to our ability to appreciate the beauty that is around us. With this chakra we hold our perception of our world that we live in. The element that is connected to this chakra is space, Akasha. This chakra moves in a anticlockwise direction and connects to our mental auric body that is around us. Walking meditations will help with this chakra to open up fully and for energy to flow through this channel. When this chakra is open fully we have inner vision, imagination, perception and our perspective for our world. With this chakra we have the ability to see the physical and spiritual realm. If we relate this chakra to nature it shows us our ability to let flowers express their individual beauty. This chakra is closely connected to the eyes, head space and frontal lobes of our brain. With this chakra our consciousness connects with our unconsciousness parts of our mind. It is where our imagination and our inner sight reside. Using this chakra when open we become more aware of of intuition and our extrasensory perception. We use this chakra to know about events before that have even happened and taken place in the physical world. We are able to sense what is going on with this chakra to see information about a person or an event in our future. With this chakra we can listen to our inner voice that comes from our own soul. This chakra when open connects us to the spiritual realm. We are able to see and feel others energy with this chakra being open and free. With this chakra we use discernment for our own and others lives. Some beings can become overwhelmed when they have excess energy connected to the psychic realm. When your third eye chakra is open and balanced you will get additional information and will hold innate wisdom in your words and thoughts that you can use in your own life and others.

With this chakra open we do not operate out of ego or from fear. Using their own mind to visualise events that are happening for them and have a very positive impact on all who are around them using their knowledge to improve others and their own life. When we open ourselves up to personal development we will naturally get access to more wisdom and knowledge to use in our life. As we continue to learn and grow as a spiritual being we will make judgements calls and decisions based on our knowledge and skills. We will operate out of integrity using our rational mind without needing any logical explanations. With this chakra we have flashes of insight received within us. When this chakra is open and balanced we use this chakra of our third eye to see what is with our own world view. With this chakra being open it says “I know!”

When this chakra is shut down you can feel ungrounded and disorganised or even disoriented from not being in your own physical body and space. You will be narrow minded and will hold a fixed point of view. Any belief that challenges their own thinking will be very uncomfortable for them to hold or change. They could have tunnel vision and seeing anything else in their minds view will be too much for them to view or hold. Very black and white thinking, not able to change easily or at all. Can only see their own point of view.

Here are some questions to help you to open your third eye chakra.

What does the colour indigo personally mean to you?

What shade of indigo do you love the most?

What do you love in nature which holds this colour of indigo?

How does indigo taste, smell, sound or feel to you?

Are you able to change your insights, knowledge, beliefs and insights with others that you know?

Can you use your imagination to create your perfect future easily?

The affirmations to use for this chakra to help it open are.

I have the right to see the world through my own eyes.

I have awakened and I now trust my inner vision.

It is safe for me to see and to also be seen out into the world.

I seek to become whole in order that I may better serve the world.

The crystals connected to this chakra are deep blues, purple or violet shades of stones.

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