
The Heart Chakra and Domestic Violence

I have done the following courses Reiki Master, Genome healer, Life coaching, Neuro Linguistic programming, Matrix Therapies and Face reading, Domestic violence, Anger management and child care training at university and in working in a child care setting. I am using the information that i have found helpful to me to put into my blogs to help others in need who have experienced domestic violence. If you don’t love yourself then you will be unable to love anyone else so having a good understanding of what our heart chakra is and why it needs to be open will help you to have a healthy, happy relationship and not be in domestic violence. Knowledge is key so the more you understand and see how it all relates to having a great happy life the better you will do. Those in domestic violence will have their heart blocked somewhere so i hope this information is helpful to you and allows you to have a better life without violence.

This information is from the following books and courses that i have done or read. Lightworkers reiki master course. Here are the books i have used information from Divine masters ancient wisdom, Ultimate energy, Chakras and auras, What is my aura colour.

Our heart chakra is the colour green but can also show up as pink too. This chakra is connected with our lungs, heart, liver, circulatory system, it also corresponds to the thymus gland that is in our body. This chakra moves in an anti clockwise direction in our body and it connect with our astral, auric and emotional body that we hold. This chakra is connected to the wind and air element, our sense of touch and the musical not F. With this chakra we say I am Love!” The symbol for this chakra is a star that is green with two green triangles that intersect so they become a star. The downward triangle represents the earth, the feminine, the colours of red, yellow and orange (our lower chakras) the upward triangle represents heaven, the masculine, the colours of the higher chakras( which are blue, indigo and violet). The star symbolises awakening spiritually this is also planted in the earth and is the union between our male and female parts of ourselves, also the self and or others. This chakras real name is Anahata which means unstuck. This chakra is all about altruism and being of service in the world.

The heart chakra is where we hold unconditional love for ourselves and others. We need to learn to be gentle and loving to ourselves and to show empathy to others even when we feel joy or disappointment in our heart, body and cells. Our heart chakra is the link between our intellect and our spiritual soul self when it is open and clear. When our heart chakra is open we show unconditional love and will send this love out into the community and the world for others to feel this love too. We see this love energy and vibration as the interconnection in our own world. With our heart chakra open we feel a great sense of inner peace and well being.  Using this chakra we take responsibility for own own actions and express love out into the world that we live in. When  connected to this chakra we see love energy as a conscious choice as no one needs to be worthy they are worthy just by being alive and here on this earth. We see that we need to let all old hurts go so we can live in love energy as holding on to this low energy will only hurt ourselves and make us sick. With this chakra open we forgive ourselves and others for all past mistakes, hurt, pain, burdens and release all of these old emotions so they transform back into love energy again for us. With this chakra fully open we are able to fully love ourselves and others in beautiful loving ways. All actions that we take are in perfect alignment with this love energy and are based on love consciousness. Through this chakra we risk being in love and holding this balance in our own life. The lesson we need to learn with this chakra is to hold courage in our heart space. We also need to be true to ourselves and our personal goals and dreams. This chakra holds the bridge between the mind, body, emotions and spirit and is locate in our heart space. It governs our love and interactions to others who are living in our world. With this we show validation, humility and connection for all our relationships both with ourselves and others. Also with the cosmos, and the divine being of the creator god source. Our heart space is our core the we connect to so that we can feel this love in our own life. This chakra  regulates our emotional balance, love, kindness and compassion. We feel peace, love, joy and harmony in our heart space.

When you forgive others and yourself for all in the past you will help to clear and open your heart chakra again. you may also get a  new understanding of their trauma story and why they behaved as they did. They could be fearful, angry, hurt or even feel threatened in some way. When you forgive a person and their bad behaviour and understand that they were doing the best they could at the time with the personal experience and knowledge that they had at the time. See in your minds eye this incident floating off back to the creator so it can be transformed again back to love. By singing or doing any kind of breath work you can help to open this chakra up again. Breath deeply into your diaphragm and letting your voice flow effortlessly from your body and chest area you will expand and then open your heart space naturally.

A great question you can ask yourself to help open your heart chakra is Where is your life are you not being courageous?When this chakra is closed you will feel disinterested in your personal plan in your own life. When you open your personal desire your heart space will open up for you.

Here is another exercise you can do to help you open your chakra up again.

Make a list of all the things, feeling, experiences that have given you personal joy in your life. See these emotions, experiences and feelings all go into your heart space for you to hold.

 The key words about this chakra are the following.

 Heart, compassion, love, connection, caring, patience, peace and kindness

Positive Affirmations My heart is open to love in all ways now! i feel so much love in my heart space now! I have the right to be loved and to love others in my personal world. My heart is open to giving and receiving from the universe. It is safe for me to receive love from the universe and i willing accept this into my life now!

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