
Hand Chakras And Love To Our Self And Others

I have done the following courses light worker and Reiki Master, Genome healer, Life coaching, Neuro Linguistic programming, Matrix Therapies and Face reading, Domestic violence, Anger management and child care training at university and have worked in a child care setting. I am using the information that i have found helpful to me to put into my blogs to help others in need who have experienced domestic violence. If you don’t love yourself and connect with your inner knowledge for truth then you will be unable to love anyone else so having a good understanding of how our  chakras ae and why we need these be open and clear then this will help you to have a healthy, happy relationship and to see what way you need to go so that you will not be in domestic violence. Knowledge is key so the more you understand and see how it all relates to having a great happy life the better you will do. Those in domestic violence will have their heart blocked and may need to re- open their throat chakra from the abuse they have gone through or are going through. It is a good idea for you to work on all your chakras so they are all open and you have a healthier life and know what to do to open these. So i hope this information is helpful to you and allows you to have a better life without violence to feel more balanced and whole in your being.


Hand Chakras

Information in the blog is from my Reiki Light Workers Course, Chakras and Aura book, Divine Masters Ancient Wisdom book, Lessons from the 12 Archangels book, Secrets of Colour Healing book, Whats My Aura? Book, The Spiritual Guide to Attracting Prosperity book and You Can Heal Your Life book.

The chakras in our hand is in the middle of the palm of the hand and our finger tips. Our hands hold a spiral of powerful energy in the palms of our hands that goes through to other parts of our body. These chakra centres in the palms of our hands spray very fine beams of light from both the centre of our palms of our hands and also and on the tips of our fingers for healing. Our chakras take in and collect universal energy in the environment and they serve as a channel to nourish life in our physical body. Our minor chakras are 2-3 centimetres in diameter around that part of the body. The colour rays of these chakras is blue and green energy fields with rays of light we hold here and can be used to heal ourselves and others. We create the symbols of reiki with our hands and fingers. Our hand chakras govern self expression, creative learning, using healing, nurturing and caring when activated our hands hold the energy of healing force of reiki-Seichem. Clench your hands into a fist to energise your hand chakras now place your hands about 30 cm 12 inches a part, move hands together now rub together there will be energy felt between your hands this is the energy of the hand chakras in action. Intense energy is felt by our hand chakras when activated. Our hand chakras hold blue and green rays of light that we can use to heal ourselves and others. The chakras are really spinning wheels that form a vortex energy field in our body. These energies are dispersing through our body every day to assist us. Our hand chakras are connected to the element of either or space. The knowledge about our chakras is ancient and comes from the Ancients Hindu teachings. All chakras in our body both the major or minor chakras interact with each other to work together they all connect with our auras that are around our body. These chakras are a concentration of energy that is held in certain areas of our body with these special energy systems.

When a chakra is out of balance or closed there will be a lack of energy felt in that part of the body. These energy fields all effect our intellect and our state of mind that we have and hold. Using these chakras we connect to source, the divine energy and a higher consciousness of the universe. By using exercises and healing techniques we can open these centres up for us and clear away any blocks that are there. To be at their best these energy fields need to flow openly throughout our body so they hold the optimum level of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being for us. These chakras are energy centres, the Parana, breath of life that flows around our body. These chakras in our body all correspond to the acupuncture meridians that balances all in our body. If there is imbalance here there will be disharmony and disease felt here in colour rays and the energy that is felt here.

With our hand chakras we connect to love, touch and we feel the world that is around us. Using our hands we can shift blocks felt in our body, create an inner power, and change the energy that is felt there. Using our hands we contract with the energy centres felt in our or other beings bodies. We can use healing, restoring and balancing of energy with our hands in reiki energy healing. By rubbing your hands together, massaging your palms or clapping you are activating this healing reiki energy which is the warmth in your hands is awakening this energy that is held in your hands. We can feel sensitivity that is around us with our hands. Using our hands we can create reiki symbols, a reiki ball or hand madras. We can use pushing and pulling energy into others bodies to help them heal and feel better. When we use our hands we are using the gift of touch to another being and expressing our love to them. Our hands hold hidden energy sources in them with these chakras. All beings hold these special energies but not all beings have activated these energies here. We can restore balance in the body of others using our hands. We can transform our energy from ourselves to other beings or even to a place in the universe. Your dominate hand will hold the highest energy field for you to use. These symbols in reiki will help to assist with your goals in life. Our chakras are small energy wheels in parts of our body. Using these hand chakras we can purify others energy, sending in harmony with our touch. This energy naturally heals the body of ourselves or others. If your hands tingle it means these centres are activated. Our hands are used to balance and create harmony in our body so we can heal and balance others energy fields with these. This energy in our hands holds electromagnetic charges that can move and align the body’s energy in pathways along our skin touching the body with self healing. Before doing a healing on another always wash and dry your hands so your hands are cleansed of others old stale energy. You can then rub your hands together to generate cleared energy that is used to assist others. You can also use salt water to clean your hands of old stale, stagnant energy. Every chakras in your body vibrates at its own unique frequency. With these chakra systems we can heal and rise above our challenges that we face in our life. We can also activate the law of attraction to operate in our own life with these. Our chakra take in and collect universal energy in the environment and they serve as a channel to nourish life in our physical body.

Green Energy Rays restores peace, abundance, general well being, helps with depleted energy or resources harmonises and balances the energy.

Green energy rays will remedy any imbalance felt in the body as it is a neutral colour and balances all. When we touch coloured items we are connecting physically with the colour rays and the energy of that colour. We pick all of this up with our hands chakras.

Emerald green rays is the most positive green ray. This colour is associated with giving and receiving and giving us abundance of what we need in life. This ray is related to the heart chakra which is green and is connected to sympathy, kindness and compassion. Emerald energy ray is connected to abundance. The green energy ray holds openness, grounding, sympathy, compassionate, generousness and helps to be relaxed. These green rays from the heart chakra brings you a feeling of peace and fellowship with others giving you harmony with your surroundings. Green energy ray is connected to intellect, being focused and with independence. The green energy ray is connected to the divine healing and clear vision. To Archangel Raphael, Jophiel, The Divine Masters, Hilarion, Thoth and Green Tara. It connects us to our thought patterns and thinking, initiates healing on all levels, healing life on planet earth.

Innovation For The Green Ray

I am one with the emerald green ray

I am one with clear vision and perception

I align with divine healings and infinite awareness.

Emerald Green Light Ray or Fire

The angel power of the heart chakra is united with god’s heart.

Green Affirmation I am open to receiving everything that the universe has to give me!

Royal Blue Energy Rays restores calms and helps with structures after shock, restores a sense of balance, treating sleep problems. It is a natural antiseptic clearing the air of bacteria. This blue energy rays is cooling, restful, astringent and restorative. When we are connected to the blue energy ray we will feel peace, being a loving person, the power of speech, self expression, introspective, contemplation, serenity, be fluent, tasteful, sincere and faithful. It is also associated with healing, writing, poets and philosophers. The Sapphire Blue ray is connected to willpower, intention and protection. To Archangels Michael and Faith. The Divine Masters El- Morya and Mother Mary. This is the energy of truth and integrity. We are drawing in pure source light to strengthen our will and intentions.


I am one with the sapphire Blue Ray.

I am aligned with intention and integrity

I align my will with the highest truth.

Sapphire Blue Light Ray Flame or Fire

The Angel of power, truth and awareness connected with Michael’s flame. This blue ray is connected to the throat chakra it holds fluency of speech, wisdom to say what others need to hear, calmness of ray of light holds compassion, calmness and helpfulness.

Blue Affirmation I am at peace with myself and the world!

Affirmations For Hands

Our fingers represent the details of our life!

I am at peace with the details of my life in all ways!

I choose to handle all my experiences with love, joy and ease!

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